Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 5 – Legs & Back/ARX

4:30 comes early. Especially since the baby wakes at night. Happily, with co-sleeping I don’t really count the number of times I get up. I just take the opportunity to pee, get her attached to eat, and go back to sleep. My wonderful hubby does the get out of bed to change her diaper part. I don’t really feel like I’m missing out on sleep, though my occasional short temper may say otherwise.

4:30 works. It’s early. But I was able to get the 75 minute workout and shower in. Guess this is my new morning routine for awhile. At least until I can figure out getting the girl to sleep without our cuddling.

After the leg stuff yesterday Legs & Back was pretty killer. How many ways to do chair pose? And how many days in a row? Things to not dwell on. Ab Ripper isn’t getting any easier. I can do more of the moves, but the hip flexors have a long way to go. And it’s always harder after a leg routine.

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