Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 21 – Rest Day

Friday’s are great. Sleeping in. Short work day. Lots of time with family.
Some people think it’s nuts to only have one day off from working out per week. But I think that’s part of what makes it a way of life. The days off are appreciated this way. I think if you work out less days than you work out it’s too easy to let it slip. For me, working out 4 days per week can easily be 3 days per week. Then 2. Before I know it I’m feeling accomplished if I break a sweat. I know that for people who are currently doing nothing, one workout per week can be beneficial. I think we all need to start somewhere. But, if the frequency of your workouts changes make sure it’s changing in the right direction. Makes me think of the old adage, “There is no standing still. If you’re not moving forward, you’re slipping behind.”

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