Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 65 – One on One Plyocide

I wish I could will myself to get out of bed early on the weekends. I just stay up way too late and then have no motivation to get up before the family. I’m so thankful that my husband will watch the girl if she isn’t in bed and I need to work out. Still a late night, but workout got done. Yay for a supportive family. I think I like this one a little more every time I do it. And it kicks my butt every time. Really, this workout is what I need more of. I love the strength days but they’re not going to burn that fat that I need to shed in order to see results. The sweat that pours off me in this one tells me that progress will be made.

The one downside is Tony’s excessive talking about his black eye and the silly stories he makes up to explain it. The more I do this work out the more I want to give him a second black eye. Course, P90X2 should be here soon. Presumably it will include Plyocide and I can substitute that routine. Or this will drive me to go back to P90X Plyometrics, which I tend not to enjoy. I wonder which really gets me the best workout? These moves are harder, but I think there’s more rest time.

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