Monday, November 28, 2011

Sick Day

I’m giving in and taking a sick day from P90X. Working out isn’t going to be beneficial if I end up sicker or in bed the rest of the day. I awoke before the 4:30 alarm and moved it back to 6am. When the alarm went off it still seemed early, though my sleep was anything but good. Today was supposed to be One on One Back, Biceps, and Balls. I’m assuming the balls reference is to medicine balls (which I don’t have) and/or stability balls.

Maybe I’ll pop in the DVD and watch it just for the heads up on what I’ll be doing next week. Or maybe the second the kids are asleep I will be too.

I’ve actually been doing pretty good with avoiding sweets over the holidays. Though with the cold I’ve been making myself eat when I’m not hungry just to have something in my belly besides various vitamins and herbal supplements.

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